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Tibetan bowls

Bowls for many are more than just a tool of eating food as well as sipping milk and soup. They can showcase the different designs that each cultures think is valuable. For the preservation of Tibetan culture, shop earths elements has put various amounts of pots available online. All of the bowls have different price ranges, so there is likely a pot that you can afford. The most expensive one focus more on raw materials, while the cheaper pots have simple colors. These are not your average pots for eating and sipping. These are pots made for making ringing noises to have an effect on the brain.


The most valuable pot available on the website is the "11" ANTIQUE TIBETAN SINGING BOWL". Not only is bowl large, but it has a golden color to it. It's a 50 year old bowl made out of several different metals. These metals include Zinc, gold, copper, bronze, silver. Unfortunately, there are some imperfections to this bowl because it was made by hand but it won't impact the song. The bowl was created in Nepal, where it's not niche to have these kinds of bowls. It you want to have a bow collection you should look at these type of bowls.


An outsider may find it strange for the sole purpose of a bowl to be used to make sounds. However, these bowls are really nice to look and are made of different materials. They have unique symbols which reveal more information about their cultural significance. Some of the products on the site even come in sets for less than $200. It's not as big of a gamble as other products like a stove or a cooking set. Earth's elements also have social media to show off updates and you can contact them to ask them questions. Click on tibetan singing bowl set for sale  for more info.

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